Whoa Lucy, you gotta lotta tastin’ ta do…

Just gotta package dropped off from UPS containing two bottles of wine. Did I order them? Well, in a manner of speaking, yes.

But I didn’t pay for them – at least not in a U.S. Legal Tender kind of way.

Forever Darling movie poster starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz and James Mason.

“Forever Darling,” starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz and James Mason.

I’d tell you a little bit more – especially about the rubber chicken – but frankly, I’m having my first gin martini in weeks, and it’s tasting too good right now (not quite like chicken, perhaps) to dilute its effects (to put it mildly) with a follow-on wine scoring of two wines I surely can’t wait (on any other day) to rate.

Not that I’m chicken, mind you.

OK, that’s a lot of noncommital parenthetical crap. But yep, you’re on the cusp of the winehiker’s inaugural foray into expert (if not paid professional) wine-reviewing gloryoskyness.

And yep, you saw it here first. Stay tuned, ladies and genitals.
